My parents, my first Gurus and Sadguru Shri Gajanan Maharaj is the inspiration behind our Astang Ayurved Center with our ancestral vedic wisdom. My mother is an extraordinary vedic healer and spiritual teacher in Pune, India. She raised her kids from the beginning on vedanta’s teachings and its philosophy- “Beyond your body, beyond your mind, beyond your intellect lies your essential Self.” She shown us our mission and purpose in life culminates upon discover of your real Self.’ Drawing from the wisdom of ancient Veda texts, her philosophy for holistic development of a child recognizes the connectedness of body, mind and spirit. I remember chanting Mantras, Bhagavad-Gita, learning early morning Sanskrit shlokas/ sahityas (literatures),help us understand deeper meaning on vedic scripture’s language, her early morning Suraya worshiping ( praying to sun as first God of universe), her introducing yoga asanas to us before school, cooking nutritious healthy organic food offering as “Naivedya” sharing it as prasad ( offering food over auspicious blessings) practicing Reki-pranic healing to soothe our anxiety for exams and stress, inspiring through our dynamic career achievements and list is endless. Truly, she lives up to her “Chandrakala”- a Sanskrit name meaning “Beams of the moon “which symbols her motherly love as cool, sweet and as auspicious as full moon whose very presence soothed, and gave hope to the many who sought his counsel.