My Ayurveda Guru lineage

My Ayurveda Guru lineage

My Ayurveda Guru- Panchkarma Shiromani – वैदय प्रभाकर तानाजी जोशी Vaidya Prabhakar Tanaji Joshi (P. T. Joshi) a renowned Ayurved physician from Dhule Maharashtra, India.

We all call him “Nana” with love and respect. In Buddhism, Nana means knowledge and In Hinduism, Nana means – who is parallel to mother or father.

 My Guru “Nanaji’(respected) is an ocean of Ayurveda knowledge and he shares it selflessly symbolic to a very motherly love. He is a form of 21st century’s “Lord Dhanwantari “(God of Ayurveda). Guruvarya P.T. joshi is living “seer “who is blessings to many of his students like me, a renowned master Ayurved healer and physician who introduced and established “Panchakarma” word in layman/public of Maharashtra, India for five decades now. More than 10,000 students have been trained by him to practice successful Panchakarma and take Ayurved to their very spirit and made them confident with sankalpa (संकल्प means an intention formed by the heart and mind) to practice Ayurved medicine forever their life.

“I have the privilege of learning and being with these amazing, gifted, internationally renowned, topnotch Ayurved physicians from India. I feel grateful to be able to combine my formal Ayurvedic education and my guru’s insightful practically applied Ayurved panchkarma teachings with my ancestral Vedic wisdom to help ignite healing journeys for others in vedic way. I feel inspired to serve and represent the ancient Vedic tradition of India in its completely authentic form, yet as relevant as possible to modern Ayurveda and Vedic seekers. As Vedic wisdom quotes- Ayurveda’s science knowledge is not just for one life but for eternal liberation, enlightenment (jivanmukti). I pray, every dawn for all who took shelter for their healing journey towards eternal liberation under the umbrella of this ancient vedic wisdom at Astang Ayurved Center.”

– Hari Om Tat Sa